Friday, May 1, 2015

Acoustic Guitar Money: An Acoustic Guitar Lesson Book for The Working Musician!

There are lots of books available online to teach you how to play guitar, with chord diagrams, scales, songs, etc. But what if you already know how and want to get started playing good, money-generating gigs? What if you’re already playing gigs and can’t figure out why the other guys are getting all the bookings? What if you've tried many other ways to get money for music and it hasn't worked out?  Well, now there’s a book for that, with all the tips and tricks of the trade included! It’s called Acoustic Guitar Money!
Acoustic Guitar Money is a revolutionary, downloadable acoustic guitar lesson book that covers pretty much everything you need to know to go from strumming a chord or two in your living room, to regular good-paying gigs – or more, better-paying gigs—in the shortest amount of time possible. This guide was written by a professional, working musician and includes how to find the best gigs, how to prepare your shows for maximum effect, shortcuts to learning songs, chord tips, and much more.
And—you have a 60 day money back guarantee!  Check us out today—and make 2015 your most profitable year ever!
Acoustic Guitar Money
Do It Right, Succeed Faster!