Wednesday, March 12, 2014

4 Things to Help You Reach Your Audience While Performing

No, we're not talking about advertising or websites in this article. When we say 'reach' your audience, we mean connecting with the audience in a memorable way. When you're singing, playing or performing, there are quite a few things to stay focused on to help make sure you deliver that 'wow' performance, but three of the most important ones are:

1) Stay In The Moment--that means, keep yourself mentally and physically connected with the song, the meaning of the lyrics and think about them while you're singing or playing. This helps you deliver the song and it's message in a more 'real' way, otherwise it can seem to the audience like you're just acting or playing a part, or faking it--and that's not what they want. When you check out mentally, it shows in the performance and people feel that.

2) Move--there's an old saying 'motion leads to emotion', and it's true in music performance. The more you move, the more your performance will move the audience. If you wonder why your audience is just 'standing there'--are you? 

3) Use Dynamics--this refers to singing or playing with different levels of intensity, constantly varying between those, getting softer or playing lighter for more 'intimate' sounding times, louder for more aggressive parts of the song or lyrics. Vary between single notes and chords or chord fragments too, both as a performer and as a songwriter, as this keeps things interesting and your listener's mind 'engaged' for longer periods of time. Yep, that one is scientifically proven, as well. 

4) Be Aware of Your Spirit and Project--this might seem tough to understand for some, and understood by many master performers, but not typically taught-- but it is something that can make a big difference: Try to visualize your voice or musical notes flowing out into the audience and running right into people like a wave. Once you can master this, you can 'push' with intensity and 'hit' your audience harder, and believe me, if you do this right, they will feel it. Sometimes focusing your eyes on different areas of the crowd while mentally affirming that your transmitting or projecting your spirit can also help with this magical trick.

We hope this article helps your performances reach your audience more than ever before. Please share if you found this article helpful!

If you have any questions, comment below or email us at

Rex Murphy

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