Monday, April 14, 2014

The ASPA: A New, All in One National Songwriter & Musician Organization and Social Network!

If you’re a singer songwriter, artist or band, you’re probably constantly looking around for tools, connections and people to help you get where you’re going faster. So, you probably join lots of songwriting organizations, social networks, enter lots of competitions, etc to help with this. Wouldn’t it be nice if all of that was in one place?
Well, finally—it is! The ASPA (American Songwriters and Performers Association) was created specifically to make things easier and give you, the musician, artist, band or songwriter, the tools you need, people you want to contact, and a simple, uncluttered social network, all in one online destination. Truth is, we’re musicians and artists, too—that’s how we know what works and what doesn’t in the music industry—and what would help people just like us do what we do—better.
We’ve got a great online singer songwriter competition and other contests coming up, discounted products and services for our members (uh, yeah—saving money is good), a classified ad section coming shortly, maybe even a referral program and even a retirement program. We created The American Songwriters and Performers Association to one thing very well—support the independent artist, songwriter and musician in ways that make a difference.
We even have publishing services and will soon have our own in-house record label. Yep—all that good stuff in one place. Like someone commented recently—wow, man—someone needed to do this! Best of all, you can join and get a free profile, no strings attached and receive many of the benefits—of course, you do have to be a member (for a low yearly fee) to have all of the advantages and discounts—we’ve got to pay the bills somehow, lol! Again, we’re musicians so we knew this had to be affordable!
But seriously – if you’re an singer, songwriter, musician or artist and you want to connect, find opportunities and manage your online presence much more easily, and all in one place, you owe it to yourself to check out The ASPA. It’s a lot more than a music association—it’s a new social order for musicians.
The American Songwriters and Performers Association CONNECTIONS--DISCOUNTS--MUSICIAN’S SOCIAL NETWORK

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