Thursday, May 29, 2014

The NEW 2014 ASPA Singer Songwriter Competition: Enter TODAY for a Chance to WIN!

Tired of doing the same old thing, playing the same old gigs, with three people in the room and getting $8 in tips for playing your music?
Well, you've got a choice--either stop doing it and get a job and give up your dream of being a successful artist or songwriter. Or---enter a national music competition that can blast through all the walls and stupidity of other people and get your music heard by people that can change your life.  Hmmm...I wonder which one would be better..?
Exactly. Enter the 2014 ASPA Singer Songwriter Competition TODAY for a chance to win at LEAST a 3 Song professionally recorded and produced EP, mastered and radio-ready, with radio airplay and automatic presentation to record labels and producers--something that is very hard to do on your own, as you probably know by now.
All you have to do is enter a link to your song or video here at and we'll do the rest.
That's it--take a chance and BE the CHANGE you want to see in your life. It CAN happen--just like that!  Jessica Meuse in the Top 4 of American Idol this year is an ASPA member....
Think about it... You can do this!
The American Songwriters and Performers Association

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The 2014 ASPA Singer Songwriter Competition Has Begun! Enter Today!

It's TRUE!  The 2014 ASPA Singer Songwriter Competition has begun---now you can enter your music from wherever you are in world for a chance to win top-level recording, radio airplay, and many other cool prizes!
The ASPA Singer Songwriter Competition is an online music competition designed to give everyone a fair chance at the BIG TIME without having to stand in line for days or get blown off immediately by industry professionals. That's right--ALL ENTRIES are ACCEPTED and CONSIDERED, no matter who you are or where you are in the world! No age limits, either! And you can enter if you're a band, artist, singer, or songwriter-doesn't matter! We know talent when we hear it!
To enter, just fill out a quick form, post a link to your video or song, pay the fee (as little as $25 with unlimited submissions if you're a member of the ASPA) and you're in!  The GRAND PRIZE starts out as a 3 Song Professionally Produced EP, all studio expenses paid, plus radio airplay. As the contest grows and more people enter, the PRIZE CAN INCREASE UP TO A FULL 10 SONG CD with more radio airplay, cash and other SWEET prizes! 
Who's a member of the ASPA now? Well, ever heard of Jessica Meuse on American Idol this season? She made it to the TOP 4 and her whole musical life has changed!  And there's Sky Colette--currently ranking very high on the Billboard charts for R&B. And we're connected to big names like Warner Bros, Hollywood Records, just to name a few. Yep, the American Songwriters and Performers Association is kind of a good group to be a part of... And you can join for free!
AND, whether you win or not, we always present the best entries we have to record labels, producers, and investors so you might get a record deal QUICK and get out on tour faster than you ever thought possible!
So KICKSTART your music career and ENTER the 2014 ASPA Singer Songwriter Competition TODAY! Click here for more details!